Saturday, October 22, 2005

Environment and Poverty

Was just watching TV like any normal day today..and while surfing (well watching TV means surfing the channels or as one of the Saeed jaffrey serial set in london said "Playing Piano with TV remote" ), and I saw this feature on CNN...

It was predominantly about the need of conserving environment et al...but what stuck my mind was this observation by one Mr Khosla ( I forget his first name. His is an organization based in Delhi that works toward economically beneficial yet environmently friendly innovations etc).

Anyways his observation was that the majority of people on earth lives under $2 a day wage and the source of most of their daily needs is the environment...fuel from woods etc.

So while the "Haves" are busy destroying the environment, they are also taking away whats left with the "Havenots"
Some food for thought...

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