Friday, March 05, 2010

Its that time... life when boxes needs to be packed, when what was the home needs to be emptied, when the life as it was for past couple of years need to be wrapped.
Yup, its time to move on.
C'est la vie! At least life of a consultant. When an assignment ends, its the start of an end. Lots of friends and acquaintances made over a duration needs to be bid goodbye. What remains are sweet memories and a hope to stay in touch.With some it will happen and with some it will not.

Guess that's what this life is all least to me.

Each new assignment brings the excitement of meeting new people, finding about other cultures, working and living in different countries, organizations. But each new assignment also brings with it the down of leaving the old behind.
I remember what one friend, a consultant for long time told me, its tough to own something. Even owning little things means growing an attachment that will be tough to let go.

As I look around my pad, I look at the things that need to go. It just reminds me of other intangibles that will be left behind as well.

One cannot experience the new unless one let go of the old. I wouldn't have met so many interesting people and visited so many new places if I had not left the earlier places and people.

But Memories are mine and they remain...

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